clean the room

How Do You Clean The Room In Easy Steps?

A messy bedroom can increase regular anxiety, prevent restful sleep, and add stress to your life. However, it’s much easier to wind down and get some shut-eye when you hit the sheets in a tidy, well-organized bedroom.

A few minutes spent tidying up can make all the difference in creating an atmosphere in your bedroom that encourages restful sleep and a positive outlook for the day ahead. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, take an hour to tidy up your bedroom and regain some inner peace.

You can clean every inch of your bedroom, from the surfaces to the linens to the flooring, if you break down your chore list into manageable, time-saving chunks. If you follow this method, you may finish the task in a shorter amount of time and worry about the mess less in the long run. Make a routine that works for you by using this cleanup checklist as a reference.

Cleaning tasks from this list should be done at least once each week as a general guideline. Follow our cleaning checklist to ensure that your bedroom is ready to welcome you after a long day.

Having a simple list of guidelines in the order you need to go in to ensure not much thinking is required and knowing which tasks to tackle first and which tools you need to do before you start (so you don’t have to walk back and forth throughout your house a million times) are the keys to cleaning a room quickly.

Our passion is cleaning Melbourne offices, homes, schools, businesses. We are proud to call ourselves cleaning experts.

Step-by-Step Guide :  How To Clean Your Room Like A Pro

Step 1: Remove Garbage

Clean up the smallest, most common messes first. We suggest acquiring a little wastebasket if you don’t already have one in your room. Small trash can quickly accumulate from sources as diverse as ripping tags off clothing and midnight eating. Get rid of the litter first, then empty the trash can.

There should always be a stockpile of garbage bags at the base of the trash can. Taking out the trash bag and replacing it with a new one is a breeze when you have a supply of liners on hand.

Step 2: Get Rid of Dirty Clothes

Pick up any soiled items and toss them in the hamper so you may reclaim the floor. To avoid the temptation to throw clothes across the floor in the morning, use an open bin rather than a hamper if one can be stored in your closet.

Step 3: Dry And Wash The Laundry

Now that you’re thinking about it, you might as well finish folding and putting away the clean clothes you have laying about. It won’t take you more than a few minutes to tidy up your bedroom by putting shirts and trousers in drawers and clearing the floor. It’s best to hang tops and sweaters so that the same side is showing in the closet. And as you sort through your garments each morning, your outfit decision-making process will be streamlined.

Step 4: You Should Probably Fold Your Bed

Your linens still need to be cleaned and changed on a regular basis, even if you shower in bed every night and never eat in bed. As you wash the rest of your room, take a few minutes to strip the bed as well. Take off your blanket and sheets. To clean your duvet cover, take it off and throw it in the laundry with your bedding. Occasionally washing the comforter is important, but doing it with every load of sheets is unnecessary.

Step 5: Empty the Surface of Clutter

Now that the major chores are out of the way, starting with the obvious ones like clearing the surface of any debris. Small items used on a regular basis tend to accumulate on flat surfaces like bedside tables, dressers, vanities, and workstations. Consider setting up a storage system for goods you use frequently, such keys, makeup, and jewellery, if you find that you are constantly rummaging around for them during the day. Earrings and other jewellery can be neatly organised in a small ornamental tray displayed on the dresser, and reading glasses can be stored in a compact box in a drawer of the nightstand.

Step 6: Remove Dust and Wipe Down Surfaces

After clearing out the clutter, you should clean the bedroom. Pick the right cleaning product, whether it’s a dusting spray, cleanser, or antibacterial wipes, and go to work. It goes without saying that you should wipe down the tables, but you should also give some thought to the legs of the chairs and the fronts of the dressers and nightstands. Dust bunnies love to live in the crevices between the slats of a four-post bed, so make sure you regularly dust those slats and your headboard.

Step 7: Lighting Fixtures and Dust Curtains

The drapes also require dusting. Just like the rest of your furniture, your lampshades, window coverings, and light fixtures will quickly become covered in dust. You can use a duster or a vacuum on a medium speed to gently dust off these details. By taking this vital measure, you can also reduce the allergens in your bedroom.

Step 8: Clean the Windows and Mirrors

Allow natural light to enter your space without worrying about fingerprints or smudges marring your windows. Wipe off any glass panels or windows in your room with a cleaner that won’t leave streaks. It would be a good idea to clean the mirrors at the same time. It’s likely that there are little fingerprints near the bottom of the windows, so if you have young children in the house, make sure to wash down low.

Step 9: You Can Either Use A Vacuum Cleaner Or A Broom

A truly clean bedroom requires a thorough floor cleaning. Remove any area rugs from hardwood floors and vacuum them before you sweep the entire floor. Sweeping should be sufficient; mopping is best left for a more thorough spring and fall cleaning. Bedrooms with carpet should be vacuumed regularly to remove dust bunnies.

Use as much of the available space under the mattress and other large pieces of furniture as possible. Place easily-moved furniture in the hallway, such as a light side table or chair, and clean floors as you go.

Step 10: Transform the Sleeping Environment

Can anything beat the feeling of crawling into bed with brand new sheets? Make your bed with a spare pair of sheets while you wash the main set to save time. When you’re done with the laundry, you may finish remaking your bed by placing the duvet cover back over the comforter.

Now that you have the lowdown on how to clean a room, you can use this simple checklist to streamline your daily bedroom tidying process. Think about printing it up and keeping it in a handy location for when you need to tidy up.

clean the room (3)

A Quick and Easy Way to Clean Your Bedroom Thoroughly and Efficiently

We each have a place to live, and it is ALWAYS in need of cleaning. Today we wanted to look at the ideal technique to clean so that you can get completed more quickly while also having fun and being satisfied that everything has been done properly.

Get Into the Right State of Mind and Get Motivated

First things first.

If you’re not in the appropriate mentality for cleaning, it will undoubtedly take you longer, make you feel bad, and cause you to delay before you ever begin. Who would want that?!

It’s time to get your game face on!

Cleaning might be considered as a tedious method of utilising your time, but being inspired and generating a buzz around the duties will help you get things done much faster.

  • The most efficient cleaning occurs when you know what you’re doing. Do you plan to clean only one room, a specific section of a room, or the entire house? A clear objective might help you stay on track and reduce feelings of frustration.
  • Limiting your time on a project is a great way to keep yourself focused and motivated.
  • Establish the routine of doing so, and you will come to appreciate both the necessity of getting things done and the satisfaction of doing so. If you incorporate housework into your daily routine, you won’t even have to think about it, and you’ll actually finish it.

If you’re feeling down and exhausted, it won’t help either.  There’s a chance, though, that you’re still too exhausted or unmotivated to actually get started right this second.

The more energised you are, the faster you’ll be able to get things done, which is a significant benefit.

If you’re looking for a World Class Cleaning Services, Cleaner Melbourne is here to help  you. 

Prepare Everything

Having all of your cleaning supplies in one convenient location will save you time and energy, as you won’t have to go searching for them as you walk from room to room.

We keep everything we need for cleaning in a cleaning caddy, so it’s easy to grab and go to the next room. However, you might also find it useful to have these things on hand: – a dustpan and brush, a mop and bucket, and a disinfecting spray.

  • Bin Bag for any rubbish
  • Damp cloth
  • Polish
  • Mop and bucket (steam mops work well)
  • Duster (cloth and long-handled for ceilings and hard to reach places)
  • Hoover with attachments
  • Window cleaner and wipe

The specific supplies you need to clean the bathroom or kitchen are probably already in use there; this list is intended for more general cleaning purposes.

Allow Some Air To Enter

Season or no season, cleaning a space is always better with some fresh air flowing through the vents.

This will bring a breath of fresh air and new energy to the entire place. It’s a good practise to get into every day because it helps to keep the air circulating and allows any moist air to escape, preventing condensation and mould growth.

Let There Be Light

The onset of longer, brighter days in the spring inspired the tradition of cleaning up the home from the accumulation of filth and dust that had been hiding during the shorter, darker days of winter.

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, it’s always important to be able to see what you’re cleaning in order to do a good job.

As such, switch on all the lights when it’s nighttime and open up the curtains throughout the day to let in as much sunlight as possible.

Remove the soft furnishings

Once you’ve gotten yourself pumped up and can see what needs to be done, it’s time to remove the items that will be washed, cleaned, or refreshed.

For instance, you should remove the sheets from your bed and let them air in the living areas, take the rugs outdoors and shake them, toss the cushions in the fresh air for a little, and make sure there are no soiled fabrics or soft furnishings around.

Clear Off The Counters

Don’t waste time moving items that don’t belong to the room you’re cleaning.

This is such a waste of time!

It’s also annoying to constantly rearrange your belongings to make room to dust or vacuum.

Therefore, before you begin cleaning, do a decluttering of the area and get rid of everything that doesn’t belong there. It could be trash or recyclables that need to be taken to another location.

For example: 

  • Garments that need to be laundered are stacked on the floor.
  • Discarded Children’s Playthings
  • Anything not meant to be on a given surface
  • A look at the room’s trash can contents

Note that you shouldn’t return them to their proper location just yet; instead, remove them from the area.

Check The Area For Problems

A brief scan of a room for anything that is broken or needs care is an often-overlooked but extremely helpful step to do before starting any cleaning project.

It’s possible that these include stuff like:

  • The light bulb must be changed.
  • Badly adjusted hinge on the cupboard door
  • Remote controls require new batteries.
  • Ticking the clock requires winding.
  • Soiled areas should be treated.

All of these issues require attention, but not right now.

If you want to avoid becoming sidetracked, we suggest keeping a notepad in your cleaning caddy and writing down any tasks that come up while you’re cleaning.

This is a terrific method to put them out of your mind for the time being without losing sight of the fact that you will eventually get to them.

Move Around the Room and Start at the Ceiling

You can begin a thorough cleaning only after you have put everything back where it belongs and removed any unnecessary items.

Just tidy up everything you can see at this point in time.

The key is to be meticulous, as there are two points to keep in mind for this to work.

#1 – Work Around The Room – Clockwise

We start at the entry and work our way around the room, returning to the starting point at the door when we’re done. This ensures that we’ve cleaned every inch of the space.

#2 – Work From The Top Down

We also use a ceiling-to-floor method of working. By starting from the ceiling and working your way down, you can make sure that all dust will settle on the floor and lower surfaces, where it can be easily swept away. If you begin your cleaning from the top and work your way down, dust will accumulate on the ground and you will have to start over.

Incorporating this strategy into your routine will guarantee the highest level of productivity. So keeping that in mind….

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Dust, Polish & Wipe

Move clockwise around the room and pay special attention to the ceiling, walls, and floor.

  • To get rid of cobwebs, use a duster with a long handle.
  • You’ll be amazed at how much more light there is once you’ve cleaned the light fixtures (especially the bulbs, which collect dust quickly).
  • Dust should be vacuumed or dusted from around picture rails, cornice, coving, curtain rods, and the like.
  • Clean the glass surfaces of all windows, as well as any mirrors and wall hangings.
  • Scrub the doorknobs, light switches, and other surfaces.
  • If you need to clean a shelf that already has things on it, remove the goods first, then clean the shelves and the items.
  • It’s important to maintain the wood or metal furniture by cleaning it.
  • Remove dust from all baseboards.

We often recommend it as you begin service with us, or if your apartment or house has not been cleaned within the past three months.


A messy bedroom can increase anxiety, prevent restful sleep, and add stress to one’s life. A few minutes spent tidying up can make all the difference in creating an atmosphere in your bedroom that encourages restful sleep and a positive outlook for the day ahead. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take an hour to tidy up your bedroom and regain some inner peace. Break down your chore list into manageable, time-saving chunks and follow our cleaning checklist to ensure that your bedroom is ready to welcome you after a long day. Having a simple list of guidelines in the order you need to go in and knowing which tasks to tackle first and which tools you need to do before you start are the keys to cleaning a room quickly. Our passion is cleaning Melbourne offices, homes, schools, businesses. 

To tidy up your bedroom, it is important to use an open bin rather than a hamper, dry and wash the laundry, fold and put away the clean clothes, strip the bed, clean the duvet cover, and empty the surface of clutter. After clearing out the clutter, you should clean the bedroom with the right cleaning product, such as a dusting spray, cleanser, or antibacterial wipes. You should also set up a storage system for goods you use frequently, such as keys, makeup, and jewellery. Finally, you should wipe down the tables, chairs, dressers, vanities, and workstations. Dust bunnies love to live in the crevices between the slats of a four-post bed, so it is important to regularly dust those slats and headboard.

Lighting fixtures and drapes also require dusting, so use a duster or a vacuum on a medium speed to gently dust off these details. Clean the Windows and Mirrors, wipe off any glass panels or windows in your room with a cleaner that won’t leave streaks, and clean the mirrors at the same time. Floor cleaning requires a thorough floor cleaning, so use as much of the available space under the mattress and other large pieces of furniture as possible. Transform the Sleeping Environment by making a spare pair of sheets while washing the main set, and remaking the bed by placing the duvet cover back over the comforter. Print this checklist and keep it in a handy location for when you need to tidy up. 

The most important details in this text are that it is important to get into the right state of mind and get motivated when cleaning. This will help you get completed more quickly while also having fun and being satisfied that everything has been done properly. The most efficient cleaning occurs when you know what you’re doing and have a clear objective. Limiting your time on a project is a great way to keep yourself focused and motivated. Having all of your cleaning supplies in one convenient location will save time and energy, and the more energised you are, the faster you’ll be able to get things done. Cleaner Melbourne is a World Class Cleaning Services. 

When cleaning a space, it is important to switch on all the lights when it’s nighttime and open up the curtains throughout the day to let in as much sunlight as possible. It is also important to remove the soft furnishings and clear off the counters. Before you begin cleaning, do a decluttering of the area and get rid of anything that doesn’t belong there, such as trash or recyclables that need to be taken to another location, discarded children’s playthings, and a look at the room’s trash can contents. This will help to keep the air circulating and allow any moist air to escape, preventing condensation and mould growth. A brief scan of a room for broken or needs care is an important step before starting any cleaning project.

To avoid becoming sidetracked, it is important to keep a notepad in your cleaning caddy and write down any tasks that come up while you’re cleaning. To begin a thorough cleaning, move around the room and start at the ceiling, tidy up everything you can see at this point in time, and work from the top down. Be meticulous and work around the room clockwise, returning to the starting point at the door when done. We use a ceiling-to-floor method of cleaning to ensure the highest level of productivity. We move clockwise around the room and pay special attention to the ceiling, walls, and floor.

To get rid of cobwebs, use a duster with a long handle. Dust should be vacuumed or dusted from around picture rails, cornice, coving, curtain rods, and the like. We also clean the glass surfaces of all windows, as well as any mirrors and wall hangings. If you need to clean a shelf that already has things on it, remove the goods first, then clean the shelves and the items. We recommend it as you begin service with us, or if your apartment or house has not been cleaned within the past three months.

Content Summary: 

  • A messy bedroom can increase regular anxiety, prevent restful sleep, and add stress to your life.
  • However, it’s much easier to wind down and get some shut-eye when you hit the sheets in a tidy, well-organized bedroom.
  • A few minutes spent tidying up can make all the difference in creating an atmosphere in your bedroom that encourages restful sleep and a positive outlook for the day ahead.
  • So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, take an hour to tidy up your bedroom and regain some inner peace.
  • You can clean every inch of your bedroom, from the surfaces to the linens to the flooring, if you break down your chore list into manageable, time-saving chunks.
  • Make a routine that works for you by using this cleanup checklist as a reference.
  • Cleaning tasks from this list should be done at least once each week as a general guideline.
  • Follow our cleaning checklist to ensure that your bedroom is ready to welcome you after a long day.
  • Having a simple list of guidelines in the order you need to go in to ensure not much thinking is required and knowing which tasks to tackle first and which tools you need to do before you start (so you don’t have to walk back and forth throughout your house a million times) are the keys to cleaning a room quickly.
  • We are proud to call ourselves cleaning experts.
  • Clean up the smallest, most common messes first.
  • We suggest acquiring a little wastebasket if you don’t already have one in your room.
  • Get rid of the litter first, then empty the trash can.
  • There should always be a stockpile of garbage bags at the base of the trash can.
  • Taking out the trash bag and replacing it with a new one is a breeze when you have a supply of liners on hand.
  • To avoid the temptation to throw clothes across the floor in the morning, use an open bin rather than a hamper if one can be stored in your closet.
  • Now that you’re thinking about it, you might as well finish folding and putting away the clean clothes you have laying about.
  • It won’t take you more than a few minutes to tidy up your bedroom by putting shirts and trousers in drawers and clearing the floor.
  • It’s best to hang tops and sweaters so that the same side is showing in the closet.
  • And as you sort through your garments each morning, your outfit decision-making process will be streamlined.
  • Your linens still need to be cleaned and changed on a regular basis, even if you shower in bed every night and never eat in bed.
  • As you wash the rest of your room, take a few minutes to strip the bed as well.
  • Take off your blanket and sheets.
  • To clean your duvet cover, take it off and throw it in the laundry with your bedding.
  • Now that the major chores are out of the way, starting with the obvious ones like clearing the surface of any debris.
  • Small items used on a regular basis tend to accumulate on flat surfaces like bedside tables, dressers, vanities, and workstations.
  • Consider setting up a storage system for goods you use frequently, such keys, makeup, and jewellery, if you find that you are constantly rummaging around for them during the day.
  • Surfaces After clearing out the clutter, you should clean the bedroom.
  • Pick the right cleaning product, whether it’s a dusting spray, cleanser, or antibacterial wipes, and go to work.
  • It goes without saying that you should wipe down the tables, but you should also give some thought to the legs of the chairs and the fronts of the dressers and nightstands.
  • Dust bunnies love to live in the crevices between the slats of a four-post bed, so make sure you regularly dust those slats and your headboard.
  • The drapes also require dusting.
  • Just like the rest of your furniture, your lampshades, window coverings, and light fixtures will quickly become covered in dust.
  • You can use a duster or a vacuum on a medium speed to gently dust off these details.
  • By taking this vital measure, you can also reduce the allergens in your bedroom.
  • Allow natural light to enter your space without worrying about fingerprints or smudges marrying your windows.
  • Wipe off any glass panels or windows in your room with a cleaner that won’t leave streaks.
  • It would be a good idea to clean the mirrors at the same time.
  • A truly clean bedroom requires a thorough floor cleaning.
  • Remove any area rugs from hardwood floors and vacuum them before you sweep the entire floor.
  • Bedrooms with carpet should be vacuumed regularly to remove dust bunnies.
  • Use as much of the available space under the mattress and other large pieces of furniture as possible.
  • Place easily-moved furniture in the hallway, such as a light side table or chair, and clean floors as you go.
  • Can anything beat the feeling of crawling into bed with brand new sheets?
  • Make your bed with a spare pair of sheets while you wash the main set to save time.
  • When you’re done with the laundry, you may finish remaking your bed by placing the duvet cover back over the comforter.
  • Now that you have the lowdown on how to clean a room, you can use this simple checklist to streamline your daily bedroom tidying process.
  • We each have a place to live, and it is ALWAYS in need of cleaning.
  • Today we wanted to look at the ideal technique to clean so that you can get completed more quickly while also having fun and being satisfied that everything has been done properly.
  • If you’re not in the appropriate mentality for cleaning, it will undoubtedly take you longer, make you feel bad, and cause you to delay before you ever begin.
  • Who would want that?!It’s time to get your game face on!
  • Cleaning might be considered as a tedious method of utilising your time, but being inspired and generating a buzz around the duties will help you get things done much faster.
  • The most efficient cleaning occurs when you know what you’re doing.
  • Do you plan to clean only one room, a specific section of a room, or the entire house?
  • A clear objective might help you stay on track and reduce feelings of frustration.
  • Limiting your time on a project is a great way to keep yourself focused and motivated.
  • Establish the routine of doing so, and you will come to appreciate both the necessity of getting things done and the satisfaction of doing so.
  • If you incorporate housework into your daily routine, you won’t even have to think about it, and you’ll actually finish it.
  • If you’re feeling down and exhausted, it won’t help either.
  •  There’s a chance, though, that you’re still too exhausted or unmotivated to actually get started right this second.
  • The more energised you are, the faster you’ll be able to get things done, which is a significant benefit.
  • If you’re looking for a World Class Cleaning Services, Cleaner Melbourne is here to help  you.
  • Having all of your cleaning supplies in one convenient location will save you time and energy, as you won’t have to go searching for them as you walk from room to room.
  • We keep everything we need for cleaning in a cleaning caddy, so it’s easy to grab and go to the next room.
  • Duster (cloth and long-handled for ceilings and hard to reach places) Hoover with attachments Window cleaner and wipe The specific supplies you need to clean the bathroom or kitchen are probably already in use there; this list is intended for more general cleaning purposes.
  • Season or no season, cleaning a space is always better with some fresh air flowing through the vents.
  • This will bring a breath of fresh air and new energy to the entire place.
  • The onset of longer, brighter days in the spring inspired the tradition of cleaning up the home from the accumulation of filth and dust that had been hiding during the shorter, darker days of winter.
  • It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, it’s always important to be able to see what you’re cleaning in order to do a good job.
  • As such, switch on all the lights when it’s nighttime and open up the curtains throughout the day to let in as much sunlight as possible.
  • Once you’ve gotten yourself pumped up and can see what needs to be done, it’s time to remove the items that will be washed, cleaned, or refreshed.
  • For instance, you should remove the sheets from your bed and let them air in the living areas, take the rugs outdoors and shake them, toss the cushions in the fresh air for a little, and make sure there are no soiled fabrics or soft furnishings around.
  • Don’t waste time moving items that don’t belong to the room you’re cleaning.
  • This is such a waste of time!
  • It’s also annoying to constantly rearrange your belongings to make room to dust or vacuum.
  • Therefore, before you begin cleaning, do a decluttering of the area and get rid of everything that doesn’t belong there.
  • It could be trash or recyclables that need to be taken to another location.
  • A look at the room’s trash can contents Note that you shouldn’t return them to their proper location just yet; instead, remove them from the area.
  • A brief scan of a room for anything that is broken or needs care is an often-overlooked but extremely helpful step to do before starting any cleaning project.
  • It’s possible that these include stuff like: The light bulb must be changed.
  • Badly adjusted hinge on the cupboard door Remote controls require new batteries.
  • Ticking the clock requires winding.
  • Soiled areas should be treated.
  • All of these issues require attention, but not right now.
  • If you want to avoid becoming sidetracked, we suggest keeping a notepad in your cleaning caddy and writing down any tasks that come up while you’re cleaning.
  • This is a terrific method to put them out of your mind for the time being without losing sight of the fact that you will eventually get to them.
  • You can begin a thorough cleaning only after you have put everything back where it belongs and removed any unnecessary items.
  • Just tidy up everything you can see at this point in time.
  • The key is to be meticulous, as there are two points to keep in mind for this to work. #
  • Clockwise We start at the entry and work our way around the room, returning to the starting point at the door when we’re done.
  • This ensures that we’ve cleaned every inch of the space. #
  • We also use a ceiling-to-floor method of working.
  • By starting from the ceiling and working your way down, you can make sure that all dust will settle on the floor and lower surfaces, where it can be easily swept away.
  • If you begin your cleaning from the top and work your way down, dust will accumulate on the ground and you will have to start over.
  • Incorporating this strategy into your routine will guarantee the highest level of productivity.
  • Move clockwise around the room and pay special attention to the ceiling, walls, and floor.
  • To get rid of cobwebs, use a duster with a long handle.
  • You’ll be amazed at how much more light there is once you’ve cleaned the light fixtures (especially the bulbs, which collect dust quickly).
  • Clean the glass surfaces of all windows, as well as any mirrors and wall hangings.
  • Scrub the doorknobs, light switches, and other surfaces.
  • If you need to clean a shelf that already has things on it, remove the goods first, then clean the shelves and the items.
  • It’s important to maintain the wood or metal furniture by cleaning it.
  • Remove dust from all baseboards.
  • We often recommend it as you begin service with us, or if your apartment or house has not been cleaned within the past three months.

FAQs About Cleaning Bedroom

Why keeping your room clean is important?

Cleaning and having a clean, clutter-free living space has been linked to many positive health benefits including physical fitness, improved focus, sleep quality, and a reduction in stress and anxiety.

How often should you clean your bedroom?

It is advisable to declutter, dust, wipe, and vacuum your bedroom once a week as you don’t want to face a serious build-up of grime, viruses, and bacteria. Also, you should change your bedding every seven days to ensure you get a good night’s sleep. Certain areas you can tackle less frequently.

What is bedroom daily cleaning?

The only bedroom cleaning you actually need to do on a daily basis is tidying up. Tidying up includes making your bed, taking care of the laundry, straightening up the flat surfaces, and picking up the trash.

Should you clean your room everyday?

Keeping on top of mess for around 15 minutes a day is, say experts, the ideal. They then suggest dedicating more time for a thorough clean once a week or twice a month, depending on need. A deep clean will be needed every three to four months.

What happens if you don’t clean your bedroom?

Apart from soiled sheets, the air in your bedroom can also get contaminated due to dust. This dust buildup can circulate in the air and even clog your vent ducts, triggering allergies and other respiratory issues. If you suddenly feel sick for no obvious reason, this might well be it.