keep my house clean

How Can I Keep My House Clean If I Work Full Time?

It takes a lot of effort to keep a tidy home. What if you threw in a full-time job, a family, and some extracurriculars? You could take a short cut to burnout, where you’d pause to let all your cleaning enthusiasm drain away.

If you work full-time and are struggling to keep up with housework, you are not alone. Or perhaps you’re a full-time caretaker of young children. Or extremely hectic, if that’s what you mean.

You certainly put in a full day’s shift. You have to rest. Your mental faculties are completely fried. You must be really remarkable if you can just throw yourself onto a chair in front of the TV like a marionette left on the floor.

But you still demand a spotless home. A stunningly clean and tidy residence. You’re already home from work, right? Also, tidying up is too much like… work to be appealing.

Stop stomping around in your high heels and start kicking back with a glass of wine and a snuggle. For those of you who are pressed for time, I have some quick cleaning hacks.

To begin, it takes time to develop the routine of having a tidy home. If you don’t gradually work housework into your routine, you’ll never be able to keep your home consistently tidy. If you’re able to pull this off, you’ll be well on your way to creating a home that’s as spotless as can be.

If you clean your house before unexpected guests arrive, you won’t have to worry about making it look good.

Our research shows that keeping to a routine throughout the week makes housekeeping a breeze. Here, we’ll outline certain cleaning activities you may incorporate into your regular routine to keep your home spotless at all times.

Having us take care of the cleaning means you won’t have to worry about it, freeing up time for you to focus on other things and making your workforce more effective.

If You’re A Full-Time Worker, Don’t Let The Mess At Home Distract You.

It’s not easy to maintain a tidy home when you spend more than 40 hours a week away from it, especially if you also have children, pets, and other responsibilities. Yet with few straightforward methods, you may conquer your chore list and finally enjoy a spotless home.

Step one is to establish a daily routine and a weekly schedule for cleaning the house. Maintaining a clean home entails both daily routines and larger, more involved jobs performed once a week (or less frequently!).

keep my house clean (2)

Weekly Duties

Make it a habit to clean your home once a week by establishing a routine. It need not be comprehensive (or exhausting). It might be as easy as:

  • Monday — vacuum floors
  • Tuesday — wash floors
  • Wednesday — clean bathroom

On and on it would go. Using a 15-minute timer can help make these activities even more manageable. Tasks are more likely to get done if they can be completed quickly.

Daily Habits

That you won’t be able to perform them all on a daily basis is something we completely understand. It’s all right if you don’t like it. It’s obvious that you’re not flawless (more on that later). But, following these simple routines will make it much easier to maintain a clean and orderly home. Practicing them requires nothing in the way of time or energy, and you can easily incorporate most of them into your daily life.

  • Before you leave for the day, wash and dry some clothes to have waiting for you when you get home.
  • Stream your Netflix show of choice while you fold laundry.
  • Maintain a supply of biodegradable toilet wipes for regular usage (or as needed).
  • Wash the dishes right away or load up the dishwasher.
  • Put things in order before you turn in for the night. Ten minutes before bedtime, give the house a quick cleaning. Kitchen countertops should be wiped down, books/DVDs/etc. should be put away, and towels should be hung up.
  • If anything can be done in under two minutes, do it right now. Do the dishes. Clean up your act and put your soiled garments away. Please place the recyclables in the appropriate container.
  • Maintain a permanent state of cleanliness with the “clean as you go” method. This is the most convenient approach to incorporate housework into your routine. The garments you’ve dropped on the floor should be picked up immediately. Kitchen counters should be wiped down as soon as they become visibly dirty, not after. While waiting for the water to boil, please put away the clean dishes.
  • Every morning, make your bed. Simple. Very efficient.
  • Keep up with the landing strip, your entrance, on a daily basis. Organize your mail, stow your belongings, and get your coat off the floor. Easy!
  • If you’re going to be inside the house, take your shoes off. The amount of time you spend sweeping the floor will decrease significantly.
  • Always have a squeegee handy in the bathroom to clean the glass shower doors.
  • One easy technique to keep your floors clean every day is to use your hairdryer to blow dirt into to the corners of your bathroom (where it seems to build up quickly!) and then sweep it up with a dustpan and a broom.
  • At least your bathroom will have a fresh aroma if you put a few drops of peppermint or lavender oil in the shower when you turn it on.

Time-Saving Housekeeping Advice

Daily Cleaning: Do Even Just a Little

With a full-time job, it’s difficult to find a block of time to clean the entire house. When you factor in your other commitments, like your social life, your family, and your job, it becomes nearly impossible. Like with any large-scale task, cleaning the entire house at once might be a daunting prospect. Since then, it seems as though there’s never been a moment to devote to tidying up.

It’s wonderful news that you may spread out your house cleaning over time rather than doing it all at once. Rather, make a point of cleaning a little bit every day.

There are several approaches of taking care of this. One complete room cleaning each day is possible (Such as Monday – living room, Tuesday – bathrooms). If that’s too much, just pick one thing to do around the house every day (Such as dusting on Mondays, vacuuming on Tuesdays).

Make time in your schedule to clean.

Microcleaning can be done in short bursts of time while waiting for something or someone. Get the most out of every spare minute by finishing quick chores. Only to give one illustration:

  • You just have to be patient.
  • Pause for commercials? Don’t hesitate to toss in some laundry. 
  • Do you need a coffee date pick-me-up? Clean out your inbox by recycling usable items and shredding the rest. 
  • What, the washing machine isn’t nearly done yet? Your next load of laundry will benefit from pretreatment.
  • Are you and your spouse getting ready to go out for the evening, and one of you is having a fast shower? Use a lint roller on the lamp shades or a microfiber cloth to spot-clean the kitchen floor.

Industry leaders can rely on Cleaner Melbourne’s comprehensive suite of services, which are tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses and factories across a wide variety of sectors.

You Should Clean More Frequently.

When you’re “too busy to clean” because you work full time, or when you just don’t have the time, cleaning more frequently can help you keep a tidy home. Of my cleaning suggestions for busy individuals, this one is the most crucial.

Yes, we have guessed your thoughts. The answer is, “Well, I already have NO time to clean. You mean there’s additional cleaning we have to do now? We understand. Consider what we’re saying.

Ok, so here’s the deal. The less clutter there is, the less time you’ll spend dusting and vacuuming.

Imagine a restroom that hasn’t been sanitised in a very long time. Dust, grime, and, uh, waste are presumably caked all over its inside and exterior. That will require a lot of hard work (and maybe a gas mask) to clean!

Now picture a toilet that only gets cleaned once or twice a week with a wet wipe. Assume a maximum of 60 seconds to wipe down the exterior and thoroughly disinfect the interior on cleaning day. Instead, which would you choose to do?

Put Your Cleaning Tools Within Easy Reach.

If you want to clean more frequently, you should have cleaning materials close at hand.

It’s not realistic to expect us busy ladies to finish up in the kitchen or bathroom, move to another part of the house to obtain cleaning products, walk back to the kitchen or bathroom to wipe surfaces down, and then return the cleaning supplies to their storage place. In a word: no one.

One of the simplest solutions is to keep a must-have cleaner in every bathroom and kitchen, or at the very least, on every floor of the house. Personally, we prefer Clorox wipes. We keep a jar of them on my kitchen counter and one in each of my bathrooms. Because cleaning materials are so accessible, I’ve been able to keep the house cleaner on a regular basis.

When the mood hits, we like to get to work organising, so we always have my organising equipment on hand.

Start A Habit Of Putting Things Away

They believe that prevention is better than treatment, and that this adage holds true in this case. Developing a routine of putting things away will help you maintain a clutter-free home. Maintaining a tidy home is easier and takes less time when you declutter on a regular basis, just as routinely cleaning does.

It’s a good idea to take a quick look around the room you’re about to depart to make sure nothing has wandered off. If you leave something behind, take it with you and put it away.

Extra Trick for Cleaning

keep my house clean

Duties Per Month

Certain responsibilities are best handled on a monthly basis at most. It shouldn’t be too much of a bother to set aside one day a month to clean your refrigerator and stove.

Washing your stove and refrigerator will take some effort at initially, but it will be well worth your time in the long run. This is because you can expect to spend much less time cleaning it the next month.

People who don’t create many messes naturally don’t want to spend too much time tidying up. One of the last things you want is for cleaning to seem like more work.

If you find that it is too difficult to clean your home on top of a full-time job, you may want to look into hiring a cleaning service.

Put Your Trust In A Cleaning Service.

Having a professional cleaner come to your home once a week or twice a month can be a huge relief for some people. A professional housekeeper has the tools and training to make your home look brand new in as little as two hours. Your housekeeper will have no trouble reaching those hard-to-reach spots in your home.

In the same way that technology has permeated every other part of modern life, it has also entered the cleaning industry. Now that finding a house cleaner is as easy as clicking a button, it’s no longer only the wealthy who can take advantage of having someone else clean their home.

The cleaning service allows you to schedule visits from a reliable house cleaner at any time that is convenient for you. In Perth, you can hire a basic maid whenever you choose, and you can be sure that they will do an excellent job.

A simple maid might be useful whether you live in a mansion or a studio apartment. To ensure a spotless home, a skilled cleaners of two will arrive at your door with all of the products and gear they’ll need to get the job done.

If you hire a basic maid house cleaning, you can avoid doing those weekly duties and focus on the more important things in life while they handle the rest.

Clean Up Any Messes You Find

Every time you notice a dirty spot in your home, you should devote a few minutes to cleaning it. Never again will you have to worry about tracking dirt from one room to another, and you can rest assured that the designated area will remain clean.

If you want your family life to be less stressful, you should establish this a rule for your children.

Plan out your cleaning routine.

To clean my entire home from top to bottom requires at least four hours. Neither the weekdays nor the weekends are free for me to devote that much time. On Wednesdays, you’ll clean the upstairs, which includes three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and on Fridays and Saturdays, you’ll clean the basement and the main floor. This schedule was chosen since it best suits my needs. Choose a day during the week when you have less pressing responsibilities, such as the day your husband prepares dinner, or the day you get out of work half an hour early.

  • Cleaning the second floor takes approximately an hour, so we use that time to vacuum and clean the floor. We  have a stick vacuum that does a great job on hardwood floors because we hate sweeping. We I disinfect the bathroom fixtures as well, including the sinks, tubs, and toilets. Upstairs only needs a quick dusting and then everything will be finished. It’s something they’ve been conditioned to do since infancy. Even if there is some debris and mess on occasion, most days they are relatively tidy. 
  • Fridays are when we usually clean the basement, which is finished.   About the only thing that could be needed.   Sometimes we have to remind her to do a better job, so it’s up to “Mom Standards,” but that’s the exception. Since she’s the only one who uses that restroom, you can bet she can do her part to keep it tidy.
  • On Saturdays, you should take care of the ground floor cleaning. As this takes the longest, you should schedule it for a Saturday morning and solicit the help of the kids.

Deep cleaning goes well beyond the scope of a standard cleaning service, and that’s why we provide it.


It takes a lot of effort to keep a tidy home when you have a full-time job, a family, and some extracurriculars. If you work full-time and are struggling to keep up with housework, you are not alone. To develop the routine of having a tidy home, it is important to gradually work housework into your routine. If you clean your house before unexpected guests arrive, you won’t have to worry about making it look good. If you have children, pets, and other responsibilities, don’t let the mess at home distract you. With few straightforward methods, you may conquer your chore list and finally enjoy a spotless home. 

Maintaining a clean home requires both daily routines and larger, more involved jobs performed once a week. To make it a habit to clean your home once a week, establish a daily routine and a weekly schedule for cleaning the house. Using a 15-minute timer can help make these activities even more manageable. Daily habits include washing and drying clothes, streaming Netflix shows, maintaining a supply of biodegradable toilet wipes, washing dishes, and putting things in order before bedtime. The most important details in this text are the “clean as you go” method of housekeeping, which involves wiping down kitchen countertops, books/DVDs/etc.

immediately, putting away clean dishes, making your bed, organizing mail, stowing belongings, and sweeping the floor. Additionally, it is recommended to use a squeegee in the bathroom to clean the glass shower doors, and to use a hairdryer to blow dirt into the corners of the bathroom and sweep it up with a dustpan and broom. Finally, it is suggested to put a few drops of peppermint or lavender oil in the shower when you turn it on. 

With a full-time job, it can be difficult to find a block of time to clean the entire house. There are several approaches to taking care of this, such as making a point of cleaning a little bit every day, picking one thing to do around the house every day, and making time in your schedule to clean. Microcleaning can also be done in short bursts of time while waiting for something or someone. Industry leaders can rely on Cleaner Melbourne’s comprehensive suite of services to meet the unique needs of businesses and factories across a wide variety of sectors. 

The most important details in this text are that it is important to keep cleaning materials close at hand and to start a habit of putting things away. It is also important to keep a must-have cleaner in every bathroom and kitchen, or at the very least, on every floor of the house, and to take a quick look around the room before leaving to make sure nothing has wandered off. Finally, certain responsibilities are best handled on a monthly basis, such as cleaning the refrigerator and stove. 

Hiring a cleaning service can be a great way to reduce the amount of time spent cleaning your home. A professional housekeeper has the tools and training to make your home look brand new in as little as two hours. In Perth, you can hire a basic maid whenever you choose, and they will do an excellent job. To ensure a spotless home, a skilled cleaners of two will arrive at your door with all of the products and gear they’ll need to get the job done. Clean up any messes you find every time you notice a dirty spot in your home, and plan out your cleaning routine for your children.

The most important details in this text are that to clean an entire home from top to bottom requires at least four hours, and that the schedule was chosen to best suit the needs of the homeowner. On Wednesdays, the homeowner will clean the upstairs, which includes three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and on Fridays and Saturdays, they will clean the basement and the main floor. On Saturdays, they should take care of the ground floor cleaning, which takes the longest and requires the help of the kids. Deep cleaning goes beyond the scope of a standard cleaning service, and that’s why we provide it.

Content Summary: 

  • It takes a lot of effort to keep a tidy home.
  • What if you threw in a full-time job, a family, and some extracurriculars?
  • If you work full-time and are struggling to keep up with housework, you are not alone.
  • Or perhaps you’re a full-time caretaker of young children.
  • Or extremely hectic, if that’s what you mean.
  • You certainly put in a full day’s shift.
  • You have to rest.
  • But you still demand a spotless home.
  • A stunningly clean and tidy residence.
  • You’re already home from work, right?
  • Also, tidying up is too much like… work to be appealing.
  • Stop stomping around in your high heels and start kicking back with a glass of wine and a snuggle.
  • For those of you who are pressed for time, I have some quick cleaning hacks.
  • To begin, it takes time to develop the routine of having a tidy home.
  • If you don’t gradually work housework into your routine, you’ll never be able to keep your home consistently tidy.
  • If you’re able to pull this off, you’ll be well on your way to creating a home that’s as spotless as can be.
  • If you clean your house before unexpected guests arrive, you won’t have to worry about making it look good.
  • Our research shows that keeping to a routine throughout the week makes housekeeping a breeze.
  • Here, we’ll outline certain cleaning activities you may incorporate into your regular routine to keep your home spotless at all times.
  • Having us take care of the cleaning means you won’t have to worry about it, freeing up time for you to focus on other things and making your workforce more effective.
  • Step one is to establish a daily routine and a weekly schedule for cleaning the house.
  • Maintaining a clean home entails both daily routines and larger, more involved jobs performed once a week (or less frequently!).Weekly Duties Make it a habit to clean your home once a week by establishing a routine.
  • It need not be comprehensive (or exhausting).
  • Using a 15-minute timer can help make these activities even more manageable.
  • Tasks are more likely to get done if they can be completed quickly.
  • Daily Habits That you won’t be able to perform them all on a daily basis is something we completely understand.
  • It’s all right if you don’t like it.
  • It’s obvious that you’re not flawless (more on that later).
  • But, following these simple routines will make it much easier to maintain a clean and orderly home.
  • Practicing them requires nothing in the way of time or energy, and you can easily incorporate most of them into your daily life.
  • Before you leave for the day, wash and dry some clothes to have waiting for you when you get home.
  • Stream your Netflix show of choice while you fold laundry.
  • Maintain a supply of biodegradable toilet wipes for regular usage (or as needed).
  • Wash the dishes right away or load up the dishwasher.
  • Put things in order before you turn in for the night.
  • Ten minutes before bedtime, give the house a quick cleaning.
  • Kitchen countertops should be wiped down, books/DVDs/etc.
  • should be put away, and towels should be hung up.
  • If anything can be done in under two minutes, do it right now.
  • Do the dishes.
  • Clean up your act and put your soiled garments away.
  • Please place the recyclables in the appropriate container.
  • Maintain a permanent state of cleanliness with the “clean as you go” method.
  • This is the most convenient approach to incorporate housework into your routine.
  • The garments you’ve dropped on the floor should be picked up immediately.
  • Kitchen counters should be wiped down as soon as they become visibly dirty, not after.
  • While waiting for the water to boil, please put away the clean dishes.
  • Keep up with the landing strip, your entrance, on a daily basis.
  • Organize your mail, stow your belongings, and get your coat off the floor.
  • If you’re going to be inside the house, take your shoes off.
  • The amount of time you spend sweeping the floor will decrease significantly.
  • Always have a squeegee handy in the bathroom to clean the glass shower doors.
  • One easy technique to keep your floors clean every day is to use your hairdryer to blow dirt into the corners of your bathroom (where it seems to build up quickly!)
  • and then sweep it up with a dustpan and a broom.
  • At least your bathroom will have a fresh aroma if you put a few drops of peppermint or lavender oil in the shower when you turn it on.
  • With a full-time job, it’s difficult to find a block of time to clean the entire house.
  • When you factor in your other commitments, like your social life, your family, and your job, it becomes nearly impossible.
  • Like with any large-scale task, cleaning the entire house at once might be a daunting prospect.
  • Since then, it seems as though there’s never been a moment to devote to tidying up.
  • It’s wonderful news that you may spread out your house cleaning over time rather than doing it all at once.
  • Rather, make a point of cleaning a little bit every day.
  • There are several approaches to taking care of this.
  • One complete room cleaning each day is possible (Such as Monday – living room, Tuesday – bathrooms).
  • If that’s too much, just pick one thing to do around the house every day (Such as dusting on Mondays, vacuuming on Tuesdays).Make time in your schedule to clean.
  • Micro Cleaning can be done in short bursts of time while waiting for something or someone.
  • Get the most out of every spare minute by finishing quick chores.
  • Only to give one illustration:You just have to be patient.
  • Clean out your inbox by recycling usable items and shredding the rest.
  • What, the washing machine isn’t nearly done yet?
  • Your next load of laundry will benefit from pretreatment.
  • Are you and your spouse getting ready to go out for the evening, and one of you is having a fast shower?
  • Use a lint roller on the lamp shades or a microfiber cloth to spot-clean the kitchen floor.
  • Industry leaders can rely on Cleaner Melbourne’s comprehensive suite of services, which are tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses and factories across a wide variety of sectors.
  • When you’re “too busy to clean” because you work full time, or when you just don’t have the time, cleaning more frequently can help you keep a tidy home.
  • Imagine a restroom that hasn’t been sanitised in a very long time.
  • That will require a lot of hard work (and maybe a gas mask) to clean!Now picture a toilet that only gets cleaned once or twice a week with a wet wipe.
  • Assume a maximum of 60 seconds to wipe down the exterior and thoroughly disinfect the interior on cleaning day.
  • Instead, which would you choose to do?Put Your Cleaning Tools Within Easy Reach.
  • If you want to clean more frequently, you should have cleaning materials close at hand.
  • It’s not realistic to expect us busy ladies to finish up in the kitchen or bathroom, move to another part of the house to obtain cleaning products, walk back to the kitchen or bathroom to wipe surfaces down, and then return the cleaning supplies to their storage place.
  • One of the simplest solutions is to keep a must-have cleaner in every bathroom and kitchen, or at the very least, on every floor of the house.
  • We keep a jar of them on my kitchen counter and one in each of my bathrooms.
  • Because cleaning materials are so accessible, I’ve been able to keep the house cleaner on a regular basis.
  • When the mood hits, we like to get to work organising, so we always have my organising equipment on hand.
  • They believe that prevention is better than treatment, and that this adage holds true in this case.
  • Developing a routine of putting things away will help you maintain a clutter-free home.
  • Maintaining a tidy home is easier and takes less time when you declutter on a regular basis, just as routinely cleaning does.
  • If you leave something behind, take it with you and put it away.
  • Duties Per MonthCertain responsibilities are best handled on a monthly basis at most.
  • It shouldn’t be too much of a bother to set aside one day a month to clean your refrigerator and stove.
  • Washing your stove and refrigerator will take some effort initially, but it will be well worth your time in the long run.
  • This is because you can expect to spend much less time cleaning it next month.
  • People who don’t create many messes naturally don’t want to spend too much time tidying up.
  • One of the last things you want is for cleaning to seem like more work.
  • If you find that it is too difficult to clean your home on top of a full-time job, you may want to look into hiring a cleaning service.
  • Having a professional cleaner come to your home once a week or twice a month can be a huge relief for some people.
  • A professional housekeeper has the tools and training to make your home look brand new in as little as two hours.
  • Your housekeeper will have no trouble reaching those hard-to-reach spots in your home.
  • Now that finding a house cleaner is as easy as clicking a button, it’s no longer only the wealthy who can take advantage of having someone else clean their home.
  • The cleaning service allows you to schedule visits from a reliable house cleaner at any time that is convenient for you.
  • In Perth, you can hire a basic maid whenever you choose, and you can be sure that they will do an excellent job.
  • A simple maid might be useful whether you live in a mansion or a studio apartment.
  • To ensure a spotless home, two skilled cleaners will arrive at your door with all of the products and gear they’ll need to get the job done.
  • If you hire a basic maid house cleaning, you can avoid doing those weekly duties and focus on the more important things in life while they handle the rest.
  • Every time you notice a dirty spot in your home, you should devote a few minutes to cleaning it.
  • Never again will you have to worry about tracking dirt from one room to another, and you can rest assured that the designated area will remain clean.
  • If you want your family life to be less stressful, you should establish this rule for your children.
  • To clean my entire home from top to bottom requires at least four hours.
  • Neither the weekdays nor the weekends are free for me to devote that much time.
  • On Wednesdays, you’ll clean the upstairs, which includes three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and on Fridays and Saturdays, you’ll clean the basement and the main floor.
  • This schedule was chosen since it best suits my needs.
  • Choose a day during the week when you have less pressing responsibilities, such as the day your husband prepares dinner, or the day you get out of work half an hour early.
  • Cleaning the second floor takes approximately an hour, so we use that time to vacuum and clean the floor.
  • We  have a stick vacuum that does a great job on hardwood floors because we hate sweeping.
  • We disinfect the bathroom fixtures as well, including the sinks, tubs, and toilets.
  • Upstairs only needs a quick dusting and then everything will be finished.
  • It’s something they’ve been conditioned to do since infancy.
  • Even if there is some debris and mess on occasion, most days they are relatively tidy.
  • Fridays are when we usually clean the basement, which is finished.
  • Sometimes we have to remind her to do a better job, so it’s up to “Mom Standards,” but that’s the exception.
  • Since she’s the only one who uses that restroom, you can bet she can do her part to keep it tidy.
  • On Saturdays, you should take care of the ground floor cleaning.
  • As this takes the longest, you should schedule it for a Saturday morning and solicit the help of the kids.
  • Deep cleaning goes well beyond the scope of a standard cleaning service, and that’s why we provide it.

FAQs About House Cleaning

Why keeping a clean house is important?

Cleaning every week will help avoid allergies or other breathing problems. Avoid spreading germs: Keeping your house clean will stop the spread of germs and help keep you healthy. Cleaning up spills, vacuuming your carpets, and keeping your kitchen and bathroom clean will kill germs.

Is it normal to clean your house every day?

Determining how often to clean a house depends on size, how often rooms are used, and the types of furniture and surfaces you have. Some things need to be cleaned every day, while a general clean can be done once a week, and deep clean every few months or annually.

How long does it take the average person to clean their house?

Around 3 hours

If you are to clean a house all by yourself, it usually takes around 3 hours to complete a standard size of a home. On the other hand, maid services and other cleaning services will clean at a 1-hour pace since they send at least two cleaners, but it will always depend on the size of your home that needs tidying up.

Are people happier in a clean house?

‘Many studies have found that having a clean and tidy house can help you to feel relaxed, accomplished, stress free and this could in turn help with any mental health conditions and allow you to feel better and happier.

What chores should be done daily?

What Household Chores Should Be Done Daily?
Washing dishes.
Loading/unloading the dishwasher.
Cooking or preparing meals.
Setting thes table.
Packing lunches.
Sweeping or vacuuming the kitchen and eating area.
Feeding pets and getting them fresh water.
Walking the dog.